Understanding and Dismantling Privilege https://wpcjournal.com/ <p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal; margin: 0in 0in 10pt;"><strong>An interdisciplinary journal focusing on the intersectional aspects of privilege,&nbsp;bridging academia and practice, highlighting activism, and offering a forum for creative introspection on issues of inequity, power, and privilege.</strong></p> <div align="center">&nbsp;</div> The Privilege Institute en-US Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2152-1875 <p><span style="color: black;"><span style="font-size: x-small;">This journal is an academic publication. Its sole purpose is the dissemination of knowledge to as wide an audience as possible. The journal is free to individuals and institutions.</span></span></p> <p><span style="color: black;"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Copyrights for contributions published in this journal are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal.<br><br>Copies of this journal or articles in this journal may be distributed for research or educational purposes free of charge and without permission. However commercial use of the journal or the articles contained herein is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the author.</span></span></p> <p><br>NOTE TO AUTHORS:&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>A new model, the Creative Commons approach, with split copyright is rapidly evolving and worth considering.</p> <p><a id="s.:y" title="http://creativecommons.org/choose/" href="http://creativecommons.org/choose/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://creativecommons.org/choose/</a></p> Oh Umma, we're not in the 80's anymore... https://wpcjournal.com/article/view/22891 <p>Asian American, transracial adoptee, Aimee Brayman, shares a short reflection on her upbringing and racism in the 1980's vs. today. Written from her first-hand experience, readers are given a descriptive snapshot of how racisim has colored her life while remaining hopeful.</p> Aimee Brayman Copyright (c) 2024 Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 13 1 78 81 I Committed a Racial Microaggression, Now What? https://wpcjournal.com/article/view/20342 <p>Researchers, educators, counselors, and other service providers use microaggression frameworks to describe the subtle, individual, verbal, and non-verbal messages that are intentionally or unintentionally communicated to marginalized individuals, such as Black, Brown, Indigenous (BBI), lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer communities (LGBQ), and transgender people. As research into the phenomenon of microaggressions continues to expand, there is a growing need for effective tools and interventions to decrease the likelihood of committing a microaggression, and foster repair to promote healing and reduce ongoing harm. The following article includes a brief review of the racial microaggressions literature, an account of ongoing barriers to reducing racial microaggressions and introduces the foundational components of a newly developed tool – a microaggression response model called “CPR: The Racial Microaggressions Reparative Response Model” (the CPR model).</p> Jaymie Campbell Shannon M. Criniti Kira L. Keenan Lexx Brown-James Copyright (c) 2024 Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 13 1 1 21 Privilege and Access: Latinx Families Navigating the United States Tax Credit Scholarship for School Choice https://wpcjournal.com/article/view/23621 <p>In the United States, providing school choice as a means of competition in K-12 education is a neoliberal goal that has gained momentum over the latter half of the twentieth century. As more states begin to experiment with school choice, families' experiences must be shared, particularly that of Latinx, whose&nbsp;testimonios have largely been unheard. This study explored the experiences of Latinx parents in Georgia as they moved their child(ren) from their districted public school to the private Catholic school of their choice by use of a Tax Credit Scholarship program. To better understand the system of privilege and access, Latinx critical race theory (LatCrit) was employed as a theoretical framework. The findings of this study presented through critical narrative analysis&nbsp;demonstrate that Latinx families continue to face multiple barriers to their educational existence, and specifically as they navigate the Tax Credit Scholarship within the school choice marketplace. &nbsp;</p> Jacob T Horne Regina L. Suriel James Martinez Sean M. Lennon Copyright (c) 2024 Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 13 1 22 46 All Black Lives Matter in the Borderland https://wpcjournal.com/article/view/20988 <p>In the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, Black Lives Matter has often been seen as a “northern” issue. The borderland has been described as a bicultural bilingual community where a majority of the community identifies as Mexican, Mexican American, or Latinx. This essay explores the issue of Anti-Blackness in the Latinx community often rooted within our own families and broader community. This ideology is prominent along the U.S.-Mexico Border. However, a community of activists, students, and elders are reshaping that narrative. On June 6<sup>th</sup>, 2020, the borderlands rose up in protest against white supremacy and the state sanctioned execution(s) of Black citizens. The goal of this article is to document the historical moment of protest in the South Texas borderland region. Current and future activist scholars can look back on the summer of 2020 as a firm example of intergenerational and intercultural Black and Brown solidarity. They should know that All Black Live Matter no matter the geographic region.</p> Christian Valentin Ramirez Copyright (c) 2024 Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 13 1 47 57 Professional Counselors Working with BIPOC-Identified Males: The Integration of Hip-Hop in Counseling Practice https://wpcjournal.com/article/view/23813 <p>This study used a narrative inquiry to examine how Professional Counselors working with BIPOC-identified male can integrated Hip-Hop in their counseling practices to promote healing along with dealing with issue of privilege and power. The results of the study suggest Hip-Hop offers <em>modes of communication </em>and sense of self useful in counseling practice and in the training of future counselors. Practical implications for the use of Hip-Hop in counselor counseling sessions are explored. </p> James Preston Norris LaNita Jefferson Ian Levy Copyright (c) 2024 Understanding and Dismantling Privilege 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 13 1 58 77