White on White: Communicating about Race and White Privilege with Critical Humility


  • Carole Barlas
  • Elizabeth Kasl
  • Alec MacLeod
  • Doug Paxton
  • Penny Rossenwasser
  • Linda Sartor


We think of critical humility as a way of being that includes a reflective practice that can help white people develop capacity to interrupt white privilege effectively. We describe the experiential sessions that we facilitated as all-day institutes at the White Privilege Conference (WPC) beginning in 2008 and continuing to the upcoming conference in 2012. The purpose of our experiential institute is to give white people an opportunity to learn about critical humility. The purpose of this paper is to provide enough information about each experiential activity in the institute so that others can use our work for their own purposes.

Author Biographies

Carole Barlas

Elizabeth Kasl

Alec MacLeod

Doug Paxton

Penny Rossenwasser

Linda Sartor



How to Cite

Barlas, C., Kasl, E., MacLeod, A., Paxton, D., Rossenwasser, P., & Sartor, L. (2017). White on White: Communicating about Race and White Privilege with Critical Humility. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 2(1). Retrieved from https://wpcjournal.com/article/view/10106