Showering in Everyday Privilege

A Reflective Analysis


  • Alicia M. Pinelli McMaster University


auto-ethnography, class status, ableism, critical reflexivity, privilege, gender


This piece utilizes critical reflexivity and an auto-ethnographical approach applied to the act of showering to analyze systematic intersections of privilege in daily acts. It examines how one of our most private/intimate experiences—showering—relates to ability, class, gender, and race and their attached privileges, and reinforces acts of social policing. Through this deconstruction this piece brings to light the ways in which the privilege has been socially constructed to connect to all areas of life, perpetuating societal norms and privileges. It highlights the importance of individual critical reflexivity and its connection to societal change.

Author Biography

Alicia M. Pinelli, McMaster University

Alicia Pinelli is a Masters Candidate in Social Work at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario and has a Bachelor of Critical Social Work from York University. Their current research utilizes a critical and queer theory lens and focuses on the intersection of gender and mental health, primarily looking at the experiences of transgender and non-binary individuals with eating disorders.



How to Cite

Pinelli, A. M. (2019). Showering in Everyday Privilege: A Reflective Analysis. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 9(1), 44–51. Retrieved from