Cultural Competence for Equity and Inclusion

A Framework for Individual and Organizational Change


  • Diane J. Goodman


cultural competence, social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, multicultural competence


This article presents a model of Cultural Competence for Equity and Inclusion (CCEI) defined as the ability to live and work effectively in culturally diverse environments and enact a commitment to equity and inclusion. Going beyond traditional approaches to cultural competence that tend to focus solely on self-awareness, the appreciation of cultural differences and interpersonal skills, this model integrates an intersectional perspective and social justice concepts—issues of power, privilege, oppression, and systemic change. The CCEI framework identifies a range of awareness, knowledge, and skills that allow people to develop the capacities to constructively engage with people from a variety of socio-cultural identities and create equitable and inclusive relationships and institutions. I describe each of the five interrelated core competencies along with some key components of each core competency. Examples of role and context specific competencies are also discussed. I suggest a variety of ways this framework can be utilized.

Author Biography

Diane J. Goodman

Diane J. Goodman, Ed D, has been an educator, trainer, and consultant on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice issues for over three decades. She is the author of the book Promoting Diversity and Social Justice: Educating People from Privileged Groups, (2nd ed.; Routledge 2011) and co-editor and contributor to Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice (3rd ed.) and other publications. Her website is



How to Cite

Goodman, D. J. (2020). Cultural Competence for Equity and Inclusion: A Framework for Individual and Organizational Change. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 10(1), 41–60. Retrieved from